PudgyTheSquid: Hello

JSB: Hey, are you ready?

PudgyTheSquid: Of course

JSB: Ok then. How did you find out about Rune Village?

PudgyTheSquid: My friend Bloodvamp told me

JSB: When did you become a moderator?

PudgyTheSquid: Sunday April 4th 2004

JSB: That's pretty recent! How long have you been on RV?

PudgyTheSquid: I joined June 6th 2003, had been reading the guides for a bit before though

JSB: That's exactly how I started too, lol. Do you enjoy being a mod?

PudgyTheSquid: Being a moderator does have many ups, I enjoy being there with my friends, and being able to control the chat to make sure everything works out right, but there are always the times where i make stupid mistakes, or I get flamed, which arent very fun

JSB: What do you enjoy most about being a moderator?

PudgyTheSquid: The fact that I am respected more as a mod

JSB: Hehe. Any advice for those who want to be moderators?

PudgyTheSquid: Well, if you want to be a chat moderator, some of the ways I became one was well, being in there very often, and never breaking the rules, frequently being able to help others, and contacting moderators in times of trouble

JSB: We're all done! Thanks for your time.

PudgyTheSquid: No problem

 ~Berserk :)


"The RuneVillager" is © 2004 by RuneVillage.com and Thomas Watson.
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