Interview with the Easter Bunny

Today our hero faced a newer challenge, newbies from all over had swarmed his house asking how to find the elusive Easter Bunny and get some strange magical ring. Naturally he simply told them to find it themselves, but this intrigued him, so he stocked up on pies, lanterns, weapons, pies, armor, other supplies, and pies.

After falling into a bunny-made pit and finding a strange blue egg, he was hungry, so he ate the egg.

A few transformations later, our hero found himself as a bunny hopping along underneath the land south of Falador. As he rounded a corner he immediately bumped into a bunny carrying an egg the size of the Statue of Liberty. Please note that the bunny was less than the size of Mount Everest. So our interviewer hero interviewed the bunny.

Me: What are you doing with this egg?

Bunny: Take eggs, go to light. Hide eggs from light.

Me: Who's been telling you to do this?

Bunny: Take eggs, go to light. Hide eggs from light.

Me: Okay. What's in the egg?

Bunny: Take dragon chainmail in eggs, go to light. Hide dragon chainmail in eggs from light.

Me: 'Kay, don't forget to tell me where you bury it.

Our hero went past the rabbit and found a cave of rabbits chanting "Free stuff plz!" at a bunch of lights with ears. Actually, the "Free stuff plz" came from a bunch of noobs hidden among the rabbits. The real rabbits were chanting "Take eggs, go to light. Hide eggs from light."

Mystified, our hero went along a chute and ended up in a smaller cave with the Easter Bunny eating chocolate pie and taunting a huge Easter egg bird.

Our hero examined the Easter egg bird closely and came to the conclusion that it looked overworked and underpaid, just like the Jagex Staff, what a coincidence.

The Easter Bunny, however, came to the conclusion that our hero was a rabbit looking for a job and started interviewing him. However, the hero, our interviewer, decided to interview the interviewer and came to the conclusion that the interviewer interviews interviewers.

Me: Who are you?

Easter Bunny: The Easter Bunny. Stfoo.

Me: Why aren't you handing out eggs?

Easter Bunny: I like the chocolate and stuff inside it.

Me: Me like chocolate, including pie.

Easter Bunny: My chocolate pie.

Me: Why are the rabbits listening to the lights?

Easter Bunny: They dropped out of kindergarten and now have an IQ of 1. They have to be hypnotized or else they won't understand.

Me: Can I hand out the eggs?

Easter Bunny: Are you going to eat them?

Me: Yes.

Me: Why are you pink?

Easter Bunny: Pink is awesome. Easter colors are pink. In fact, chocolate should be pink instead of poo-colored.

Me: What's with the huge bird?

Easter Bunny: Shh. That's Andrew Gower in disguise. He tried to rearrange the game code to steal my pie, so he became the bird.

Me: No wonder it's overworked and underpaid.

Me: Why is Easter a different date each time?

Easter Bunny: It depends on what free time I have between pie restaurants and night clubs.

Me: Where do you get your eggs?

Easter Bunny: I have penguins working 24/7 churning out eggs in preparation for Easter the next year using the Eggchocolatemakerpenguinabusing machine, the machine that makes chocolate eggs while abusing penguins' civil rights. Don't let xxpk hear me.

Me: Can I see the machine?

Easter Bunny: Do you want to be a chocolate egg?

Me: Yes.

Easter Bunny: Here, have a ring.

Our hero then received a ring which, when he put it on, turned him into a brightly colored Easter egg.

(Insert Easter bird attacking here)

(Insert rapid chain reaction egg-to-human transformation here)

(Insert Andrew Gower turning back into a human and deleting the Easter Bunny's hex code)

All in all, players around RuneScape gave the Easter event an average rating. The Easter Ring was a slight surprise, yet did not completely satisfy some when they heard the Easter Bunny mention an “Easter transformation”. They had expected to turn into a rabbit, but that would have made the elusive bunny ears obsolete. The rabbit hop emote could be fun for people with bunny ears, and the Easter ring is an alternative to the Ring of Stone, and is also about 4 million gp cheaper.

Written By: Andrey
Edited By: Hoof Noob
Coded By: Whydidijoin