The Gods War 

In the land of darkness;
Where chaos reigns supreme;
Warriors are forsaken;
To a land they could not dream.

A time ago in a distant land;
The Gods did tread this day;
All it took was one fell swoop;
To bring nothing but dismay;

Forever haunting as we fight on;
Through the nightmare and decay;
The world and his army at their knees
Though stars guide us with their rays;

The gates of hell are upon us;
Through evil and its wrath;
The end of our quest does come;
We have reached the final path;

The bravest of the world did battle;
And a war like no man has seen before;
Did tell the world of its fate;
They unleashed a power so divine;
That with once the Gods were aligned;

The light succumbed to darkness;
Where shadows pave the way;
To forever blackened forests;
In this our dying day

ŠAragorn Ix

Written By: Aragorn Ix
Edited By: Ultragast
Coded By: Donut Juice