An Interview With Goten

That's right! I interviewed Goten, the artist of Pub Humor and a recently promoted forum mod. He obviously had plenty to say!

the123king: So, Goten, what got you to the Village?
Goten: Well, much like any young child playing a game, I didn't want to actually try to complete any quests. So I originally used RuneVillage for its quest guides all those years ago. I hadn't even looked at the forums section until after a good six months of using the RuneVillage guides.

the123king: Cool. So what is keeping you here?
Goten: Well, as I said, I was just a kid when I originally began playing RuneScape and visiting RuneVillage. I suppose it's because it's been a part of my life all these years, helping me to grow, that I stay at RuneVillage. The community is great, too. We may not have the most members, but most every Villager is certainly a good, mature person. RuneVillage has always had a true 'Village feel' to it.

That's not something you get with the other common fansites.

the123king: Yes, I know. So who is your favorite Village member? Why?
Goten: My favorite? Ah... 'Gotta hate popularity contests. But in all honesty, and I know it sounds cheesy, there are just too many great Villagers to pick a favorite. Everyone's got their own good qualities about them. I honestly don't feel as if I could choose just one. But, if I had to, I would most obviously have to pick Goten. I mean, he’s such a talented artist, and his hat is just plain sexy.

the123king: Yeah, he is a great Villager. So why did you join the Village newspaper?
Goten: That's a good question. I'm not even entirely sure about that one. I just kind of randomly decided to join while looking through all of the usergroups one day. Needless to say, I'm glad that I joined, though. I really enjoy working with the great staff that works on the Villager. I know I've made a few new friends just from working at the Villager.

the123king: Good. We all want to know; what is it like drawing your comics? Where do you get inspiration?
Goten: What's it like? Well, I suppose I could explain it in steps. First off, I have to decide the basic idea. What Villagers will be involved and think of a basic idea to work around. Once I figure that out, I start making it frame-by-frame. For each frame, I'll do the linework, color it and then move on to the next panel.

At the very end, once all of the artwork is done, I'll go back and add the speech in each panel. What you may find odd is that I'm usually not too sure of what I'll have the characters say until I get to this point.

Then I'll quickly make the title header, slap that on, go over it to make sure I didn't forget any big details (say the feather on my cavalier — I actually HAVE forgotten that once), check the spelling of all the words one last time and submit the finished product!

As for where I get the inspiration, it can really be next to anything. Maybe an idea will spark from something a friend says to me while we're chatting or maybe it will just relate to how I'm feeling at the moment.

Oh, and sometimes, whatever music I'm listening to will play a factor. Inspiration can really come from anywhere!

the123king: That explains a lot. So do you do anything else for the RuneVillage Villager, or do you just draw your comics?
Goten: Nothing more that I can recall at the moment. I plan to try editing articles pretty soon, but so far it's just been the comics when it comes to the Villager.

the123king: Fair enough. Back to the main forums. You have to save one forum from certain destruction. Which forum would it be? Why?
Goten: Oh, that's an easy one — General Pictures. As some of the older Villagers may remember, I used to be really big on making RuneScape fakes. It was this that sparked my love for the General Pictures forum, and now, it's practically my home. (Even if the popularity of RuneScape fakes has died down. But it's for this reason I hold the Fakers Competition every year.)

S'pose I just enjoy looking at pictures more than reading text.

the123king: Is there any topic that you remember distinctly? What was it?
Goten: Well, there are a few, really. First that comes to mind is A5chow's topic about actually being a girl! Boy, that sure was something! And the second that comes to mind would be "The Adventures of Applequest and A5chow", just because it was interesting to follow those two lovebirds while they were together for their first time.

the123king: Yeah, both are in the Village Archive, now.
Goten: And with good reason...! Lol.

the123king: So, what was it like when you became a forum moderator?
Goten: At first, I was shocked. I won't lie. I'd always thought that MAYBE it would happen one day. I mean, I'd always carried that hope, because nothing makes me happier than being able to help people, but you can never really expect that kind of thing. I was, of course, excited when I received the offer, but I was more-so nervous about the new responsibilities that would come with the position. The idea of joining the ranks of forum moderator, without any clue of how to handle the situations that would come with it, is certainly nerve-wracking. But I feel like I'm finally getting into the groove of things, two months later, and I'm glad I was asked to take the position.

the123king: What do you prefer being: forum moderator or a standard Villager? Why?
Goten: This is where that whole "people want what they don't have" thing comes into play. Now that I have the responsibilities of being a forum mod., it seems as though it would be nice to be a normal Villager for the simple reason of not having to carry those responsibilities. But, I know that if I were a normal Villager, I'd be wanting the position of forum mod and the responsibility that comes with it. But when it comes down to it, I prefer being a forum mod. Like I said, I love being helpful and being able have the power to keep things at peace. Besides, if I didn't want to be a forum mod., I would resign!

the123king: Cool. Are you looking forward to RuneVillage 2.0?
Goten: Who isn't!? Don't get me wrong; I've grown to love the Village's current setup, but that's because I've grown so used to it. But I'm sure RuneVillage's new look will be at LEAST 10x better, easier to use and will (hopefully) draw a larger amount of new members to RuneVillage.

the123king: So, what changes will you like to see in it?
Goten: An overall, more-appealing look is the #1 thing I hope to see. As useful as RuneVillage is currently, it's not much to look at. And when it comes down to it, people want some eye candy!

the123king: Last but not least, what hat would you choose, if cavaliers weren't added to RuneScape? Why?
Goten: Well, now, you're just talking crazy.

I refuse to answer a crazy person.

the123king: Lol. I hope you enjoyed the interview. We will enjoy seeing your comics in future Villager-editions and reading your quality posts around the Village. Thanks for your time.
Goten: No. Thank YOU! *cough*crazy person*cough*

And, now, if you'll excuse me, it's 5:30 AM, and I have yet to go to bed. O_o Good night!

Interviewed By: The123king
Edited By: Junesetsfire
Coded By: Donut Juice